In a groundbreaking move, Palitana, a town in Gujarat’s Bhavnagar district, has become the world’s first vegetarian city. It has entirely banned non-vegetarian food, including meat and eggs. This historic decision, driven by the advocacy of Jain monks for non-violence, has transformed Palitana into a sanctuary for vegetarianism.
The push for a vegetarian-only city gained momentum following a significant protest and a hunger strike in 2014 by nearly 200 Jain monks. The monks demanded the closure of approximately 250 butcher shops, leading to the eventual government enforcement of the ban. The regulation prohibits the sale, purchase, and consumption of all forms of non-vegetarian food, with stringent penalties for any violations.
Palitana is revered as the City of Temples, home to over 800 stunning Jain temples dating back 900 years. These temples are not only architectural marvels but also the heart of the city’s strict dietary customs. Jain cuisine, which avoids root vegetables to prevent harm to subterranean microorganisms, influences the local food culture significantly. While some Jains also eschew dairy products, the city offers an array of both Jain and non-Jain vegetarian dishes.
Visitors to Palitana can indulge in popular Gujarati vegetarian dishes such as Dhokla, Khandvi, and Kadhi. Specialties like Rotio, a millet-based flatbread topped with jaggery and ghee, and Dal Dhokli, a lentil soup with flour dumplings, highlight the local cuisine’s richness and variety.
Palitana is not only a culinary destination but also a significant Jain pilgrimage site. The Shatrunjaya Hills, adorned with the sacred Jain temples, draw thousands of pilgrims who ascend over 3,500 steps to engage in worship and admire the breathtaking views. The town’s commitment to Jain principles extends to its tourism and economic activities, with a strong focus on eco-friendly practices and cultural preservation.
Located approximately 50 kilometers southwest of Bhavnagar city, Palitana is easily accessible by road, with the nearest airport in Bhavnagar and a major railway station also located in the city. The town’s rich cultural tapestry, combined with its strict vegetarian ethos, makes it a unique destination for tourists seeking a spiritual and serene experience in India’s vibrant religious landscape.